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8 Things to consider when writing a quality CV

As an unemployed citizen whose desire is to get employed to an organization, firm or industry, there are so many ways you can go about writing an application with an attached CV which you wasn´t or can´t miss out.

8 Things to consider when writing a quality CV

A CV is a brief account of a person´s education, qualifications, and previous occupation, typically sent with job application.

It is important to note the key things to consider on how to write a quality CV so as to win yourself a job, in CV writing you are telling your employer that these are my brief educational history, all my qualifications so far, as well as what ability skills these has won me in my occupational background by listing them in the occupational qualification/or work experience.

Your CV should be neat and easy to understand, and it should not exceed 2-3 pages at most (2 pages at most). And your CV should carry all the vital information needed about you which includes your name, bio data, objectives, educational status and qualifications, work experience, hobby, etc.

In this content/or write up I will explain the above key things mentioned.

Things to consider when writing a quality CV:

1)      Name, email address, and phone number: In this phase you are expected to write your names in full in capital letter, email address, as well as your phone number/or numbers in your CV, for example; James bond,, 01234567789

2)      Your BIO DATA: Here you´re expected to provide your date of birth in this format day/month/year, also your marital status.

3)      Objectives: In this phase you´re expected to tell the organization, company or firm in your CV what your aim, ambitions for applying are. Are you seeking for employment in that organization simply to spy on the company or firm, or to rob, or to help in achieving economic growth in the organization? You´re to tell the organization in this phase.

4)      Educational background with dates: As the title implies “educational background with date”, here you are expected to tell your employer in your CV your educational background from this date to this date. Starting from Nursery, to college, then to high school level with dates. See example below;

                                   EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND WITH DATES

                                      Name of school           Location                             date

                                   School name,                  location                         2001-2006

                                    Name of college,            location                       2006-2009

                                     Name of high school,  location                       2011-2013

5)      Certificates obtained and dates: In your CV you are expected to list out your merited certificates obtained by you so far with dates. These certificates include educational certificates, previous or acquired certificates like National Youth Service Certificates (for Nigerian applicants), any attended skill acquisitioned organization, NGO or any certificates whatsoever. You list them in this segment with date issued to you.

6)      Work experience and date: Remember in our introduction to this topic, I said that a good CV requires a brief account of a person´s education, qualifications, and previous occupation. In this segment, your employer is expecting to see all your job experiences, what you can do or handle as an individual.

7)      Language, hobby/or hobbies: In this step, your employer would like to know what languages you can speak, and what are your hobbies (do you love smoking, drinking, etc just tell your employer, funny though. Well here you are expected to let your employer know what you love doing). Like me three of my hobbies are giving internet tutorials, blogging, singing. Just an example.

8)      Lastly references: Well this is another thing your employer will be interested to look out for, the name and contacts of those organizations you listed in your item six/or step 6 (working experiences and qualifications), so as to confirm if what you gave or wrote to his organization are real or just fake. In referencing, kindly put it in this format;



Ø  Name of employer: name of company/or organization, phone number or email (example; henry: tkhow tutorial world, 09084831416,

When you follow the above steps, you will write a quality CV.

Good luck


  1. Very informative. Good work from tkhow 👍

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