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Things to do on your site, so as to rank top on google search engine?

What will I do, so as to rank top on Google search engine?

Ranking top on Google search engine is pretty easy, but a bit difficult if you don't apply some of the tricks I will outline and explain.
You can't bribe Google to rank or to place your site's pages at the top of their search engine (google search engine), when that particular page in question does not meet up with the ranking guidelines.

Also, you can't rank top on Google search engine, having a low-quality content on your site.

Some bloggers, just write up contents anyhow, without any form of introduction (introducing what the post is all about), without examples, etc.

If your site's contents give or answer the best solutions to your reader's questions online, why then will your site's pages/or contents not rank top on google search engines?

Here are some brief explanations on "what to do, so as to rank top on google search engines".

1) Write quality contents-: 

Of course, no company, nobody, would love to give his/or her customer(s) with low-quality goods and services they produce. They want to offer the best services to their customers, so as to come back again, right?

Same applied to google as well, they give out the best-written content articles on their search engines, so as to retain their online researchers.

Giving out the best blog posts or contents by google search engine, means that the top-ranked posts on google search engine are well qualitative right? That's it.

Top-ranked site's published contents or articles on Google search engine are contents that provided the best qualitative solution or answer to the asked questions online by online readers or researchers.

For your site to be ranked on Google search engine, you need to write the best-detailed information on that particular topic your blog posts are talking about, before publishing it.

2) Linking of other similar published blog to that particular new topic article/or content you are writing on: 

This is a trick, most bloggers don't apply or ignores. Linking of a similar already published post, on a particular issue you are writing on, will also help your ranking processes.

When Google wants to index your pages or post, on indexing processes discovers a similar linked post and a continues repeated keywords, they marked it as a relevant post.

Please note that "indexing on google webmaster tool, is not done by humans, but by a robot called google-bots".

When online readers, asks any question similar or related to your already published and indexed post is well qualitative comes out at the top of google search engine.

But if it has poor quality write-ups, if you did not explain what the post is all about in a detailed format, if it lacks a meta description or in most cases called post description, am sorry such post will not feature or rank top on Google search engine.

3) Having a sitemap for your site: 

This should be tagged as the first or second key tips to rank top right? Yes, but don't forget that you need to publish your site first online before sitemaps will be generated to your site.

Sitemaps, are key tags which when generated for the purpose of your site, carries detailed information of what goes in and out of your blog/or site.

How does it relate to ranking top on Google search engine?

It is before you talk about indexing of your site's pages on google webmaster tool, you need to submit your site first on google webmaster tool. In doing so, a sitemap for your site is needed, you see why it's necessary to have a sitemap for your site right?

When your sitemap is generated, and successfully submitted to Google webmaster tool for indexing, then you are on the way to rank top on Google search engine or rank least on the same google search engine.

Read more on:

4) Get your site pages indexed: 

When I started this tutorial, I kept on laying emphasis on indexing, indexing, indexing (for ranking purposes).
Yes, before your site's pages or post will be ranked top on Google search engine, your site's pages need to undergo an indexing process.

This is done through Google Webmaster after your sitemap is generated you will need to log on to google webmaster and submit your sitemap there for indexing process to go on.

Note-: There's a tendency that all your site's pages won't be indexed after submission of your site's sitemap, but don't worry, there's a tool in the google webmaster that helps bloggers request or ask google to reindex their site's pages and this tool is called "Fetch as google".

Fetch as google is a google webmaster tool, which helps bloggers submit their pages for reindexing.

When you site's pages are indexed successfully, then you're on the go to rank top on Google search engine.

5) Data highlighting-: 

This is another tool found in the google webmaster, where blog pages are been highlighted for both online readers to view it, as well as google.
This is a tool that helps in listing out some of your preferred blog posts on Google search engine for readers to know or see what actually your site is all about, giving your readers the impression that yes your site page offers what they truly need, where to get them.

This tool also helps your website pages to rank top on Google search engine.
Read more on data highlighting; how to highlight your site pages (structuring data highlighter).

6) Adding key word tags to your attached picture content Post: 

This is vital and important for your site to rank top on Google search engine.

Featured photos or photos attached to your blog post, needs to be edited correctly and towards the end of the picture title, add these tags; "jpg", "PNG", or a "gif". For an example of picture title format: how-rank-top-on-google-search-engine-.gif.

Picture tags, also helps in ranking top on Google search engine.

7) Meta tag description and post titles: 

Meta tag description of your blog posts or as it is often called post title, is seen as the key fact to rank top on google search engines as well.
The way you describe your blog posts or your site's contents, determines the way its been presented to your online readers when they type or ask a question similar to your titled post/or post meta tag description or title.

Meta tag-description, is the act of describing a particular blog post in brief for easy access or for easy findings on the Internet. Your post descriptions should not be more than 20-30 words (not a must though). But it should be brief.

Before effecting a meta tag description on a daily post, before effecting a post description to your post, you need to set this up on your blogger dashboard (for blogspot users).

On your blogger dashboard, go down to settings, click on settings. When it opens, scroll down to where you see search preference, click on it. Then go to meta tag description, and describe what your blog is all about, what you blog on etc.

For WordPress users, read this;
The above is a brief explanation on what to do so as to rank top on Google search engine.

What will it cost to rank top on google search engines? Or How much will it cost to rank top on google search engines?

It does not cost a penny, do not be deceived by some people who will promise you a fortune so as to help you rank top on Google search engine.

You can only pay, when asked by google themselves, maybe through google AdWords(only), or if otherwise (which I know, they won't be an otherwise).

Google can not be bribed to feature/or rank any blogger's posts on the Google search engine. For you to rank top on Google search engine, you need to write quality contents, and it should be more than 500 words or more.

Summary to this content article:

When will I rank top on Google search engine?

You will be ranked top on google search engines, only when you:
  • Write quality content
  • Edit your pictures with the right picture title format, and a gif, jpg, and a png format.
  • Your sites pages a indexed successfully.
  • Have a well defined meta tag description on your site.
  • Highlight your site's data.
Good luck as you apply these techniques on your blog/or website and rank top.


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