7 easy steps to create and paste google in-feed ads on blogger

7 easy steps to create and paste google in-feed ads on blogger A feed is a stream of content that you can scroll through. The content appears in similar-looking blocks that repeat one after the other. For example a feed can be editorial (e.g., a list of articles or news) or listings (e.g., a list of products, services, etc.). Feeds can appear anywhere on the page. Note: For the purposes of In-feed ads, a feed doesn't refer to a web syndication feed such as RSS. Read more It is easy to setup In-feed Ads on your blog post. Google ads team, are willing to move your business to another level, by running ads (read the key things to note about google adsense) on your site. In-feed ads help to beautify your blog's contents and also makes your blog to look more professional. In-feed ads also help to promote your business blog, that is the number one primary duty of Google Adsense, is to promote your business blog to the next level. You can also request/or register your busin...