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How to manage your marriage | solutions to marriage scandal

Marriage is one of the wonderful experience of life. But unfortunately, it has grossly been abused and reduced to nothingness, as a result of this, many have pulled out of their marriage life out of ignorance. (Learn more).
Many walked into the corridors of marriage with little understanding of what they actually want to go into.
What then is marriage?, or why marriage?.

I will tell you.

Meaning of marriage: 

Marriage in a lay man’s definition, is when a man leaves his family, parents, kinsmen, etc. And both his dreamed wife do same, and are joined together legally, traditionally, religiously, and otherwise, and become an inseparable husband and wife. But that definition, to me sounds incomplete.
Marriage, is a consensual and indissoluble union of a man and woman, primarily for the purpose of procreation. 

It is also an all-prevading activity. Apart from Adam and Eve, who was directly formed and created by God, no other written documentation of human race, was reproduced except through marriage (coming together of a man and a woman).

Through marriages, sexual intercourse of parenthood is licensed. Mistakes most young couples do during marriage is that, they forget so easily the oath they take on the alter during which their marriage rites is been performed.

For example: I, “N”(n signifies name of the bride or bride's groom), take you “N” to be my wedded wife (or husband), to behold you from this day, for “better” for “worse”, for “richer” and for “poorer”, in “sickness” and in “health”, to “love” and “cherish”, till “death” do us part.. During this statements, you vowed to always stick together, endure, love and cherish one another both for richer and poorer, sickness and health, for better for worse, till death do you and your spouse apart.

But these days, most couples don’t wait for the death to do them part, but rather they part before the death.
They no longer endure the ups and downs, the problems in marriage, etc. 

There are few structures of marriage, which are:

The Monogamy: 

A marriage of one man and a woman.

The Polygamy: 

A marriage of a man and more than one woman.

The Polyandry: 

A marriage of one woman and several men (eg. Usually practised in India).

Monogamous marriage:

As we all know, monogamy marriage is the best type of marriage. You as a man, you are expected or entitled to only one woman or one man, legalised by marriage.

You endure little of his or her pains and troubles (these series of stress is only from a single spouse, either from the man or from the woman), how much more when you practice a polygamy marriage or Polyandry marriage, that is death for you.

The major factor that breaks or contributes to the breaking of a home, is when a couple either the man or the woman keeping or having an affair with a woman(if it’s the husband), or the wife having an affair with another man, outside their marriage, breaks or tears the marriage apart.

This only is the problem of your marriage life. Now why marriage? in your second question. I will give you some significant importance of marriage.

Polygamous Marriage

This type of marriage involves a man and more than two wives. In this type of marriage, they're usual problem in the marriage; why?

A man having two or more wives, its demanding. As the husband of two or more wives, it is expected of you to show to your wives equal love, you mustn't give or render a special love to one of your wife, and give the rest lesser love (if you do so, then they'll be a big problem in your home).

Its also cash demanding: Polygamous marriage or home, demands much money spending. For example, when in a home of four wives, each of the wives gives birth to four children each, sum all together.

You as the father/and husband will fed for them, both school Fees payments, feeding etc. Let's not go further

Significantly, there are two main aims of getting married which are :

  • The primary aim
  • The secondary aim.
The primary aim: This explains the reason why people go into marriage , simply to have sexual intercourse, and to procreate.

The secondary aim: Is to aid love and to quiet sexual immorality and desires in the society.

There are some marriage principles which you as a newly wedded couple must observe, or you that aren’t married, need to observe and take note to be happy for the rest of your married life in order to make a better home:
1) The principle of 1+1=1: In marriage, biblically a man should leave his parents same applicable to his proposed wife, and come together as husband and wife, they’ll no longer become two, but one. 
Couples should forget about their individual differences, and recognise their collective responsibilities, and leave together. They should learn to love and respect one another.
2) The principle of “Like” and “Unlike”: This principle, requires an affection, which leads to marriage before sex. Not affection, then sex before marriage.
With an affection and love, you respect the other person, before going into marriage.

Ladies should try and take notice of this, that if a guy offers to take you to bed before marriage, that guy or man does not love you.

The best love according to this second principle is they must be true affection, then marriage before sex, and not affection, then sex before marriage. 

This often leads to unfaithfulness after marriage or unwanted pregnancy and heart breaks.

3) Endurance of behaviour: Most couples lacks this 3rd principle of marriage.
You learn to observe and endure your partner’s attitude or behaviours. When the attitude or behaviour runs parallel to each other, the marriage accelerates towards brokenness. 
But when the behaviour blends with each other’s attitude, the marriage prolongations and happiness lasts for everlasting.

4) Sow and reap: This indeed is a warning to all those parents who forces their children to marry people of their selfish choice, not minding the choice of their wards or kids/children.
Marriages is a voluntary type and not a compulsory one or practice. Some as well, uses charms to attract their spouse, note that whatsoever that have a manufacturing date will also have an expiring date.

That manufactured charms you give to your spouse, might look sweet and easy at first, but when it expires, the outcome is usually deadly. Take note.

5) Spirituality of marriage: Marriage you may not know, is a deep spiritual practice or thing all together.
It has spiritual commands. Those who obeys such marriage commands, enters into a spiritual covenant and are blessed richly through it.

The union of two persons who are not in a marriage relationship is an offence, sacrilegious to the core and spiritually the persons are covenanting.

It is good to know that premarital sex outside marriage, is the fastest means to initiate one into witchcraft, cultism, spirits world, demons affliction, diseases, poverty, impotence, hardships, to mention but a few. So know the cause of your marital predicaments, this is also applicable to unmarried people.

Please help your marriage out.


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