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How To Get A free Wifi Internet

How To Get A free Wifi Internet 

It is annoying to have our business interrupted online, due to poor/or lack of network coverage when surfing the Internet. Business such as: Online marketing, Online purchase, Online Banking, Blogging etc.
But in this tutorial content, you will learn how to create and get free WiFi Internet and do your business easily and fast.

For Nigerian Global com users, this will help you out in getting a cool fast browsing network; check this out "how to resolve global com week internet experience"
This blog is designed to teach you different things, both on blogging, phone settings, technologies.

Funny enough, in constructing/or creating this project, you don't need to spend much; you use what you have to create what you don't have.

Nothing in this world is a waste. Below, are the instrument/or tools to use for this project.

Things Need For This Project.

  • Two magnets
  • Two copper wires (negative and positive/or black and red copper wires).
  • Metal glue
  • Standing fan cover
  • Condemned speaker
  • Trimmer (plier).
As you can see, all the equipment and tools needed for this project are affordable and are commonly seen at homes (such as copper wires, Magnets, Condemned speaker/and Condemned standing fan blade cover).

Steps to take on how to create a free Wi Fi.

First step-: 

Get the two wires and round them up each on the magnets. In this step, you are expected to round up your copper wires each, on each magnets, in pairs (two for the positive part, and two for the negative part).

You get the red/or positive wire and round it up on a separate magnet, apply same to negative wire.

For a clear explanation on this step, please read this clearly: Copper wires are tied up having two positives and two negatives on a separate magnets each, its time you tag one of the positive copper wire "A" and the other positive copper wire "B" (each on the same positive copper wire, but each has a mouth as you may call it; same applied to the negative copper wire, you tagged on part "A" and the other "B") face each at opposite direction  (let positive A be connected to  Negative A, and positive B be connected to negative B).
Note-: "You are not to pinch the skin of the rounded up copper wires on the magnets".

Second step-: 

Glue each of the copper wires, on each of the magnets.

Don't get confuse on this part. You are to glue those wires you rounded up in step 1, so that it won't loose up/or disconnect.

When step 2 is done correctly, then connect/or glue it to the condemned speaker in Step 3.

Third step-: 

Connect the glued wires to the condemned speaker.

Glue the two magnets each to the speaker, on each sides and trim off the pairs of copper wires on the glued magnets; and tie each together  (tie up positive + negative together).

Fourth step-: 

Connect your USB Cord/or wire to the copper wires and to the speaker.

In this step, in your USB cord/or charger when cut off, have four different attached wires, you are expected in this step to connect one of the wire to the tied up positive + negative copper wires from step 1 /and step 2, then take another wire from the USB charger and connect it to the speaker (one part).

Next is to connect the two last wires from the USB charger to your condemned standing fan pan/or cover.


You are to connect the positive and negative/or the "Red" and "Black" wires found/or from the USB cord/or charger to the condemned standing fan pan/or cover. Do that neatly.
Last step-:
Plug the USB cord to your cell phone and enjoy the awesome uninterrupted speed browsing WiFi.
Good luck as you try this on your own.


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