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Phones and Tablets

How Can I Check On My Site's Broken Link Pages

From the previous text; on what is broken links and what are the dangers they've caused to my site, we were told that broken links are simply dead links which exists in our website pages, which when clicked on directs us/or your customers to an unwanted or unsuccessful HTTP responses (a 404 error message).
Broken links also hinders Web pages from indexing by webmaster tools; such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It also drive away customers (both existing and new), from your sites; when your site link pages can not offer them what they need.

This broken links can be corrected and fixed. In this content, you will see how to check and fix broken links on your website pages.

How Can I Check Or Know Those Broken Page Links On My Blog/or Sites?

This is not a difficult task trust me, it only takes few minutes in the check and you are done.
What you should do-:
First-: Log on to broken links checker status
Secondly-: Scroll down to where you see "enter URL" enter your URL the way it's shown on search engines.
Thirdly-: Under enter URL, you will see a box requesting a security code, beside the box your will see some dark shaded writings (letters and numbers), type those letters or numbers exactly as it is shown or written in the security code.
Note-: "you can generate a new code, if the first code is not clear to you".
Fourthly-: Click on "Find broken links". Wait for few seconds/or minutes for it to crawl on your site, to search for broken links on your site.

If it founds broken links, it will bring out results of how many page links are broken in your site, in a tabular for. On the table, it will show you-:
  a) The broken link page
  b) The URL where to find it.
  c) The SRC of where it was found/or how it was written in a clear note.
When this is searched and shown to you what page link is broken, what you should do is to go to that particular page on your blogger dashboard and go to your post, locate the exact post and either remove that particular link or write it correctly.


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