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how to record video series on Dstv Explorer 2 Decorder

Dstv Explorer 2 Dstv explorer 2, is an amazing decorder that is loaded with too many features such as-: a) Recording of movie series b) Rewind, fast-forward, Replay, Audio channel and lots more. Dstv Explorer2, can also connect to the internet. In this content, i will teach you on how to record video series on Dstv Explorer 2 Decorder. how to record video series on Dstv Explorer 2 Decorder. Recording is one of the amazing feature of this decorder “Dstv Explorer 2”. LET’S GET STARTED-: 1st step-: Get your Dstv Explorer2 remote control and press the  OK button in any of an existing favourite movie series showing on your Dstv Explorer2 decorder.. See picture-:  In doing this, enables you to view the option for record. If the program is part of a series, then it can be recorded. 2nd Step-: Go to Schedule After pressing the “OK”, your favourite serial movie is now marked and stored as a scheduled recording. All you have to do in your option, is to locate a

How to embed Twitter Gadget to your blog or website | easy steps

Twitter is a social network where bloggers, business people, company owners, etc; interact and at the same time sell/or advertise their businesses across to viewers/or to their customers. Twitter is also social networking, where viewers interact between family and friends, where they share ideas amongst themselves. Twitter, is also a medium network where users send/or share events; both past, present, and feature events across to the world. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn where the followed request needs to be approved; on the part of Twitter; followed request need no approval. Twitter is also the third world most popular social networking. This amazing social networking site can also embed its widgets to blog sites/or websites (for that's what I will teach you in this content article). Steps Taken When Embedding Twitter Widget To Your Blog/or Website-: Twitter widget embedded to blogs/or websites, ease visitors on your site as a site/or blog owner to eas

Amazing Facts About Twitter

Meaning of Twitter-: Twitter is a free social networking blog service which allows registered members to discuss and share their businesses and thoughts to the world, through posts called tweets. Twitter was founded and was developed in 2006, and got amazing users of between 4-5 million in 2008. And ranked third world most popular social networking site after myspace and Facebook. Members on Twitter can follow other Twitter user’s, by using platforms and devices. You can also share tweets and reply on other tweets sent to you by another Twitter user, through text messages on phones, through  website itself or through your desktop. You as a Twitter user can also use keywords in all your post, in order to tweet or weave tweets into a conversation by simply adding hashtags. Also, twitter settings are default channeled to the public, and it's not like Linkedin/or Facebook where users will have to approve social connections before the following can be made

How you can solve letters Recaptcha

Recaptcha are similar any how and any where you come in contact with it. It is a programmable tool, that was set up/or designed to help distinguish between human and machine input. Recaptcha also help to eradicate, and also helps to block/or to remove spam input on the web/or website. It doesn't matter how Recaptcha looks like/or the type of format it appears, what matters is the functions it performs. Letters format of a Recaptcha, is also one of the simplest form of solving this programed tool; unlike the picture format of a Recaptcha, letter puzzles are seen and are visible for you to just write or fix it in the empty box provided for you close to the code.        A typical example of a letter Recaptcha is seen when you want to check for your site's broken page links (the code you type in the box directly under the URL box, that's a letter Recaptcha format ). In solving this, is quite simple; all you have to do is simply type in the letters the way

How to solve voice note Recaptcha issues

Recaptchas are programmed tool, which was set up/or designed to differentiate between the input of human from that of machine. Recaptcha comes/or appears in different formats which are; pictures , voice notes , letters , symbols, etc. (You can read more on how to solve picture Recaptcha). Voice notes Recaptcha puzzle as the matter of fact is the simplest methods of solving Recaptcha issues, it is fast a clear. Most Internet users mostly find this format so difficult in areas where there's low coverage system, or when they have issues with their phone speaker output. Voice note Recaptcha, is a type of puzzle that helps to indicate as well as differentiate between you as a human being from machine/or from robot as the case maybe. As in the case of picture Captcha, this format is sent through voice notes. How to solve this Recaptcha puzzle is quite easy, what you need to do is to listen to the voice note/or speech, then type every word you heard from the voice speech i

Am having difficulties solving Recaptcha Issues

Google Recaptcha, is a computer program which helps in distinguishing between machine inputs from that of human, as a way of controlling and blocking both automated and spam data extraction from websites. It is also a security that gives' a check on websites or blogs to ensure human access alone. But in the case of computers, are not capable of solving Captcha. Recaptcha, comes/or appears in various ways-:    i) Pictures,    ii) Letters ,    iii) Voice notes,    iv) Voice calls, and    v) Symbols.        In the topic today, I will teach you on how to solve picture Recaptcha . The steps are quiet simple and fast as long as there's a strong network coverage that will enable Recaptcha's connect ion . Having known the true meaning of Google Recaptcha and the different types of Recaptcha's format/or how Recaptchas appears, let's go down to business, which is " solving Recaptcha Issues" .      How can you solve this/or how can this de

I can't see all my site pages index on Google webmaster tool | what should I do

Google webmaster tool, is designed to index all pages on your website pages; as long as your site doesn't have any broken link and also your site map is accurate and was generated properly.   What I need to do in order to reindex my site's pages by google search console? These tricks really work out good Kindly check tools and see if there are really in good conditions, and apply these procedures to both your blogger dashboard, and Google webmaster tool. 1. Check if there's any broken page links in your blog-: This is the first criteria or condition that will stop Google to Continue indexing your blog pages. Broken links are dead links which when clicked on gives you a 404 error, and are offensive to Internet users; most especially researchers. These broken links can be tracked and fixed manually on your blogger dashboard posts. So you don't need to be scared of anything, kindly fix up your broken links anytime you please, you can study


Fetch as Google is the best folder for this particular problem. It is safe, fast and easy. Fetch as Google, is a folder page/or a page in Google webmaster tool (now moved to the new search console ) which is designed to re-index Web pages. It is cool, super fast, safe and works on daily basis. This tool or folder helps Google-bots to re-crawl on those pages which was stopped/or blocked/or hindered from indexing. This may be as a error (404 error caused by some broken page links ), command by search folder in your site's robots.txt file sitemap .        No matter the error /or issue on your site robots.txt file sitemap , when it's fixed you can ask Google-bots to re-index your Web pages by simply applying these steps below-:        First step-: Log on to Google webmaster tool  /or try the new search console When logging in, what is required is your Gmail account name (Gmail address), and Password.      Note-: "Your login details should be the o
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